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Publication Studio Glasgow

Based in Glasgow, Started 2016

Publication Studio (founded in 2009 in Portland, Oregon) is an international network of sibling studios, with a presence in thirteen cities including New York, London, Rotterdam and now Glasgow. Publication Studio prints and binds books one at a time on-demand, creating original work with artists and writers they admire. They attend to the social life of the book. A laboratory for publication in its fullest sense - not just the production of books, but the production of a public. Together these construct a space of conversation which beckons a public into being.

CCA, along with partners My Bookcase, Good Press Gallery, A Feral Studio & artist Joanna Peace, have joined forces to bring Publication Studio to Glasgow: a publishing enterprise as well as an open source printing facility housed at CCA Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow.

Submission Policy

Behind Publication Studio Glasgow there is a team of partners:  CCA, My Bookcase, Good Press Gallery, A Feral Studio & artist Joanna Peace. Our working process is that each partner proposes and leads a publication, so we are rarely looking for new submissions. But if you think one of the partners could be interested in your work, connect with the partner directly to share your idea!



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